Public Parking

Charging stations for outdoor public parking lots or intercept parking. They are well suited for monetization due to the lowest cost per parking spot.


Retail Stores. In this niche, charging is a great opportunity. In the near future, the ability to charge an electric vehicle will influence the customer's decision on where to buy, what to buy and how much time to spend on it.

Paid parking used to be the place where clients wanted to park their cars, conveniently and safely. EV charging is becoming additional motivation to choose a particular parking lot and spend extra time there.


Operating conditions

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Настенная зарядная станция BS20-BA-OCPP с розеткой Type 2 и OCPP, Besen

Дистанционное управление через OCPP протокол. Розетка с разъемом IEC 62196-2 (Type 2) регулируемая мощность до 22 кВт.

Type 2 (socket) 22 kW
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